Represent Team WN in 2022

Last updated: 21/01/2025

Interested in playing competitive badminton in 2022? If you think you've got what it takes, register today and come show us your skills on the Trial Days:

  • U13/15: Mon, 31 Jan 22
  • U17/19: Wed, 2 Feb 22
  • Masters (35+): Wed, 2 Feb 22
  • Seniors/Open Grade: Sat, 5 Feb 22

*MS - Mens singles; WS - Womens singles; MD - Mens doubles; WD - Womens doubles; XD - Mixed doubles.

Junior U13

The Junior Under 13 squad is a development squad providing the opportunity for our young players to get a taste of competitive badminton. The Squad trains once per week, normally on Monday evenings from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

Selected players are expected to compete in the Capital Region Novice Team competition (11 April 21), and the Central Region Junior Team competition (13 June 21). Players are also encouraged to compete in the regional sanctioned tournaments to further improve and gain early tournament experience. Focus for the squad is participation driven.

Junior U15/17/19

The Junior Under 13, 17 and 19 squads are a combination of development and performance based squads providing opportunities for our young players to perform at a local and regional level. The Squads train twice per week, normally on Wednesday evenings from 5.30pm to 7.30pm and Saturday mornings from 10am to 12pm.

Selected players are expected to compete in the Capital Region Team competition (11 and 18 April 21), and the Central Region Junior Team competition (13 and 27 June 21). Performance players are also expected to compete in the NZ National Junior Team Championships (11-14 July) and are strongly encouraged to compete in the regional sanctioned tournaments to further improve and gain tournament experience. Whilst focus for the U15 is still participation drive, there is a greater focus on performance for our U17 and U19 players.


The Senior competition is a open grade competition, and selection is made based on player abilities. In 2022, Wellington North Badminton will have teams competing in the following competitions:

National Division 1

This team will consist of elite performance players who are at the top of their games. Selected players are expected to train at least twice a week normally on Tuesdays, 6-8pm and Saturdays 9-11am. The team will consist of a min. of 3 men and 3 women (max. 6 men and 6 women), playing 1MS, 1WS, 1MD, 1WD, 2XD. Competitions will be played across 1 weekend on 30 Jun-2 Jul 2022 in Christchurch.

North Island Division 3

This team will consist of performance players who have a few years of competitive play under their belts. Selected players are expected to train twice a week normally on Tuesdays, 6-8pm and Saturdays 9-11am. Each team will consist of a min. of 4 men and 4 women (max. 6 men and 6 women), playing 2MS, 2WS, 2MD, 2WD, 3XD. Competitions will be played across 4-5 weekends in North Island locations. Proposed competition dates are:

  • 6 May
  • 28 May
  • 30 Jul
  • 3 Sep
  • 8 & 9 Oct (Play-offs)

Central Region Division 1/2

Team(s) will consist of players who have a few years of competitive play under their belt or seasoned club players who want further challenge. Selected players are expected to train once a week normally on a Saturday 11am-1pm. Each team will consist of a min. of 3 men and 2 women (max. 6 men and 6 women), playing 3MS, 2WS, 2MD, 1WD and 2XD. Competitions will be played across 4-5 weekends in Central Region locations (south of  Gisborne and New Plymouth, excluding Taupo). Proposed competition dates are the same as North Island Division 3.


The Masters competition is catered for players age 35 and above, and selection is made based on player abilities. In 2022, Wellington North Badminton will have teams competing in the following competitions:

North Island Division 2

This team will consist of performance players who (firstly meet the age requirement) have a few years of competitive play under their belts. Selected players are expected to train at least once a week either on Tuesdays, 6-8pm and Saturdays 9-11am. Each team will consist of a min. of 4 men and 4 women (max. 6 men and 6 women), however this is subject to change based on consultation currently conducted by the Badminton NZ Inter-Association Committee. Competitions will be played across 4-5 weekends in North Island locations. Proposed competition dates are:

  • 30 Apr
  • 11 Jun
  • 23 Jul
  • 27 Aug
  • 8 & 9 Oct (Play-offs)

Central Division 1/2

This team will consist of performance players who (firstly meet the age requirement) have a few years of competitive play under their belts or seasoned club players who want further challenge. Selected players are expected to train once a week normally on Wednesdays, 7.30-9.30pm. Each team will consist of a min. of 3 men and 3 women (max. 6 men and 6 women), playing 3MD, 3WD, 3XD. Competitions will be played across 4-5 weekends in Central Region locations (south of Gisborne and New Plymouth, excluding Taupo). Proposed competition dates are the same as North Island Division 2. Please note, this competition may be merged into a North Island competition based on consultation currently conducted by the Badminton NZ Inter-Association Committee.


The Vet competition is catered for players age 50 and above, and selection is made based on player abilities. In 2022, Wellington North Badminton will have teams competing in the following competitions:

Central Region Division 1/2

This team will consist of performance players who (firstly meet the age requirement) have a few years of competitive play under their belts or seasoned club players who want further challenge. Selected players are expected to train once a week normally on Wednesdays, 7.30-9.30pm. Each team will consist of a min. of 3 men and 3 women (max. 6 men and 6 women), playing 3MD, 3WD, 3XD. Competitions will be played across 4-5 weekends at Central Region locations (south of Gisborne and New Plymouth, excluding Taupo). Proposed competition dates are:

  • 11 Apr
  • 21 May
  • 26 Jun
  • 13 Aug
  • 8 & 9 Oct (Play-offs)

Super Vets

The Super Vet competition is catered for players age 60 and above, and selection is made based on player abilities. In 2022, Wellington North Badminton will have teams competing in the following competitions:

North Island Division 1/2

This team will consist of performance players who (firstly meet the age requirement) have a few years of competitive play under their belts or seasoned club players who want further challenge. Selected players are expected to train once a week normally on Wednesdays, 7.30-9.30pm. Each team will consist of a min. of 3 men and 3 women (max. 5 men and 5 women), playing 3MD, 3WD, 3XD. Competitions will be played across 4-5 weekends at North Island locations. Proposed competition dates are:

  • 7 May
  • 4 Jun
  • 30 Jul
  • 3 Sep
  • 8 & 9 Oct (Play-offs)

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