North Island U17 Championships - NEW DATE

02/10/2021 @ 8:00 am - 03/10/2021 @ 5:00 pm

$40 – $80
Online Entry

Important Update

Due to the disruption of the latest outbreak of COVID-19, working closely with Badminton New Zealand, we have now rescheduled the North Island U17 Championships to a new date. Entry will now close at 23:59 Tuesday, 28 September!

Online entry is open now for the North Island U17 Championships 2021.
This is a Badminton NZ Tier 14 sanctioned event.

All entry must be submitted online - no exceptions.
Entry closes at 23:59 Tuesday, 28 September 2021.

Tournament Prospectus

Final Decision Date: 17:00 Monday, 27 September

We want to provide as much certainty as possible to players and parents, and we are committed to deliver this event wherever possible. Here are a few important things to note:

  • The event will only proceed if NZ/WLG remains in Alert Level 2 or below by the final decision date
  • The event will NOT proceed if current gathering restrictions (up to 50) are still in place by the final decision date
  • A tournament café will NOT be operating in Alert Level 2

Tournament Hotel

Thanks to our accommodation partner, Willis Wellington Hotel is the official tournament hotel offering great rate for your stay for the duration of the North Island U17 Championships 2021. Room including breakfast are only $115/night. Book today using promo code WNBA2021.

Central Region Team Relay

Already entered for the North Island U17 Championships? Why not stay with us and make the most of the school holidays by joining the Central Region Team Relay on 4 October? This is a inclusive competition catering for players of all abilities from aged 13 and older. Find out more.

Ready to Play?

You can manage your membership, book a court and register for classes online using Hello Club.

Thank you to our Supporters & Partners

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